New conservation publication from the National Gallery of Ireland supported by Getty through its Conserving Canvas initiative
64pp, c. 55 illustrations, 305 x 237 mm, Price: €29.50 hardback.
Available from shop.nationalgallery.ie
The National Gallery of Ireland has released a new hardback conservation publication, Guercino & Gris: Conserving Canvas from Different Eras. Exploring historical and modern conservation treatments on works of art, the book focuses on three important works from the National Gallery of Ireland’s collection: Saint Joseph with the Christ Child (c.1637), by Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, known as Guercino (1591-1666), and two collages A Guitar, Glasses and a Bottle and Carafe, Cups and Glasses (1914), by Juan Gris (1887-1927), which was initially one double-sided artwork.
The 64-page hardback publication explores the fascinating world of structural conservation treatments on works of art and the changing approaches to these treatments over time. It discusses treatments and processes informed by research carried out by the National Gallery of Ireland’s new Scientific Research Laboratory, and how new scientific advancements in conservation are contributing to the care of the collection. Guercino & Gris: Conserving Canvas from Different Eras marks the completion of this Conserving Canvas project at the National Gallery of Ireland, which was made possible by a grant from the Getty Foundation through its Conserving Canvas initiative.
The publication features contributions from the multi-disciplinary team responsible for the Conserving Canvas initiative at the National Gallery of Ireland.
- Dr Aoife Brady is the Curator of Italian and Spanish Art at the National Gallery of Ireland.
- Dr Chiara Chillè is a Conserving Canvas Project Painting Conservator.
- Dr Natalia Macro is the Research Scientist at the National Gallery of Ireland.
- Maddalena Magnani is Conserving Canvas Project Painting Conservator.
- Simone Mancini is Head of Conservation at the National Gallery of Ireland
- Janet McLean is Curator of Modern Art at the National Gallery of Ireland.
- Paula Serra Sánchez is Conserving Canvas Project Painting Conservator.
Dr Caroline Campbell, Director of the National Gallery of Ireland, said: “2024 marks the 170th anniversary of the foundation of the National Gallery of Ireland in 1854. One of the Gallery’s primary roles has always been to care for its collections in ways that are in line with international best practice. The National Gallery of Ireland’s Conservation Studio is one of the most important centres for conservation on this island. I would like to thank the Getty Foundation for their support of Guercino & Gris: Conserving Canvas from Different Eras, and the wider Conserving Canvas initiative in which we are proud to have played a part.”
Simone Mancini, Head of Conservation at the National Gallery of Ireland, said: “Over the decades, several generations of Gallery conservators have studied and performed a large number of structural conservation treatments on works of art from different artistic schools and periods, availing of diverse techniques and materials. Getty’s Conserving Canvas initiative offered a new opportunity for the National Gallery of Ireland to advance and perfect this legacy by focusing on artworks from such strikingly different historical and technical backgrounds, while also training younger generations of professional conservators.”
Antoine Wilmering, recently retired Senior Programme Officer, Getty Foundation, said: “It is with distinct pleasure that I welcome the publication of Guercino & Gris: Conserving Canvas from Different Eras by the National Gallery of Ireland. This carefully crafted publication is the result of an in-depth exploration of three canvas paintings from the Gallery’s collection, with the goal of understanding the painting’s conservation histories, training conservators, and performing new interventions in keeping with today’s best practices.”
Guercino & Gris: Conserving Canvas from Different Eras is available to purchase online and in-shop from the National Gallery of Ireland Shop (Price: €29.50). See shop.nationalgallery.ie
The Gallery would like to thank Getty for their support of this project and the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media for their ongoing support.
Media Contacts:
- Fiona Sexton, Communications, Marketing & Digital Engagement Manager, National Gallery of Ireland, [email protected]
Notes to Editors:
- Images are available on request at [email protected]
About the National Gallery of Ireland:
The National Gallery of Ireland is one of Ireland’s most popular visitor attractions housing the nation’s collection of European and Irish art from about 1300 to the present day, and an extensive Library & Archive. Entry to the collection is free for all to enjoy, learn and be inspired.
2024 at the National Gallery of Ireland:
2024 is the 170th anniversary of the establishment of the Gallery through the National Gallery of Ireland Act (1854) and the 160th anniversary of the opening of the National Gallery of Ireland on the 30 January 1864.
About the Getty Foundation and the Conserving Canvas initiative:
The Getty Foundation fulfils the philanthropic mission of the Getty Trust by supporting individuals and institutions committed to advancing the greater understanding and preservation of the visual arts in Los Angeles and throughout the world. Through strategic grant initiatives, it strengthens art history as a global discipline, promotes the interdisciplinary practice of conservation, increases access to museum and archival collections, and develops current and future leaders in the visual arts. It carries out its work in collaboration with the other Getty Programs to ensure that they individually and collectively achieve maximum effect.
Conserving Canvas is Getty’s international grant initiative focused on the conservation of paintings on canvas, which are held by museums in virtually every part of the world. Since 2018, the Foundation has awarded 38 Conserving Canvas grants to 31 institutions in Europe, the United States, and Latin America.
See www.getty.edu for more information.
For More Information
Visit nationalgallery.ie or follow us on social media:
- Facebook & Instagram: @nationalgalleryofireland
- Twitter: @NGIreland
- LinkedIn: @National Gallery of Ireland
‘Guercino & Gris: Conserving Canvas from Different Eras’ Foilsithe ag Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann
Foilseachán nua caomhnaithe ó Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann le tacaíocht ó Getty trína tionscnamh Conserving Canvas
64pp, c. 55 léaráid, 305 x 237 mm, Praghas: €29.50 clúdach crua.
Ar fáil ó shop.nationalgallery.ie
Tá foilseachán nua caomhnaithe faoi chlúdach crua, Guercino & Gris: Conserving Canvas from Different Eras, eisithe ag Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann. Agus cóireálacha caomhnaithe stairiúla agus nua-aimseartha ar shaothair ealaíne á n-iniúchadh, tá an leabhar dírithe ar thrí shaothar thábhachtacha ó bhailiúchán Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann: Saint Joseph with the Christ Child (c.1637), le Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, ar a dtugtar Guercino (1591-1666), agus dhá cholláis A Guitar, Glasses and a Bottle and Carafe, Cups and Glasses (1914), le Juan Gris (1887-1927), a bhí ina shaothar ealaíne amháin dhá thaobhach ar dtús.
San foilseachán faoi chlúdach crua 64 leathanach scrúdaítear saol iontach na gcóireálacha caomhnaithe struchtúracha ar shaothair ealaíne agus na cineálacha cur chuige athraitheacha maidir leis na cóireálacha seo le himeacht ama. Pléitear cóireálacha agus próisis atá bunaithe ar thaighde a rinne Saotharlann Taighde Eolaíoch nua Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann, agus an chaoi a bhfuil dul chun cinn eolaíoch nua i gcúrsaí caomhnaithe ag cur le cúram an bhailiúcháin. Is éard atá i gceist le Guercino & Gris: Conserving Canvas from Different Eras ná deireadh an tionscadail Conserving Canvas seo ag Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann, a tharla de bharr deontas ó Fhondúireacht Getty trína tionscnamh Conserving Canvas.
San fhoilseachán seo tá ionchur ón bhfoireann ildisciplíneach atá freagrach as an tionscnamh Conserving Canvas ag Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann.
- Tá an Dr Aoife Brady ina Coimeádaí ar Ealaín na hIodáile agus na Spáinne ag Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann.
- Is Caomhnóir Péinteála ar Tionscadal Conserving Canvas í an Dr Chiara Chillè.
- Is í an Dr Natalia Macro an tEolaí Taighde i nGailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann.
- Is Caomhnóir Péinteála ar Tionscadal Conserving Canvas í Maddalena Magnani.
- Is í Simone Mancini Ceann Caomhnaithe Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann.
- Is Coimeádaí na Nua-Ealaíne ag Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann í Janet McLean.
- Is Caomhnóir Péinteála ar Tionscadal Conserving Canvas í.
Dúirt an Dr Caroline Campbell, Stiúrthóir Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann: “Is comóradh 170 bliain ó bunaíodh Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann in 1854 é 2024. Bhí sé ar cheann de phríomhróil an Ghailearaí riamh aire a thabhairt dá bhailiúcháin ar shlite atá ag teacht leis an gcleachtas idirnáisiúnta is fearr. Tá Stiúideo Caomhnaithe Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann ar cheann de na hionaid is tábhachtaí ar an oileán seo maidir le caomhnú. Ba mhaith liom buíochas a ghabháil le Fondúireacht Getty as a dtacaíocht Guercino & Gris: Conserving Canvas from Different Eras, agus an tionscnamh Conserving Canvas i gcoitinne a bhfuil muid bródúil as páirt a ghlacadh ann.”
Dúirt Simone Mancini, Ceann Caomhnaithe ag Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann: “Thar na blianta, rinne na glúnta éagsúla de chaomhnóirí an Ghailearaí staidéar ar líon mór cóireálacha caomhnaithe struchtúracha ar shaothair ealaíne ó scoileanna agus ó thréimhsí éagsúla ealaíne, ag baint leasa as teicnící agus ábhair éagsúla. Chruthaigh tionscnamh Getty Conserving Canvas deis nua do Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann an oidhreacht seo a chur chun cinn agus a thabhairt chun foirfeachta trí dhíriú ar shaothair ealaíne ó chúlraí stairiúla agus teicniúla atá chomh difriúil sin, agus ag an am céanna oiliúint a chur ar an nglúin nua de chaomhnóirí gairmiúla.”
Dúirt Antoine Wilmering, Oifigeach Cláir Sinsearach, Fondúireacht Getty Antoine Wilmering, a chuaigh ar scor le déanaí: “Is mór an pléisiúr dom fáiltiú a cur roimh fhoilsiú Guercino & Gris: Conserving Canvas from Different Eras ag Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann. Is toradh é an fhoilseacháin seo, a bhfuil scoth na ceardaíochta ann, ar iniúchadh domhain ar thrí phictiúr chanbháis ó bhailiúchán an Ghailearaí, agus é mar sprioc aige stair chaomhnú an phictiúir a thuiscint, caomhnóirí a oiliúint, agus idirghabhálacha nua a dhéanamh de réir dea-chleachtais an lae inniu.”
Tá Guercino & Gris: Conserving Canvas from Different Eras ar fáil le ceannach ar líne agus ó Shiopa Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann (Praghas: €29.50). See shop.nationalgallery.ie
Ba mhaith leis an nGailearaí buíochas a ghabháil le Getty as a dtacaíocht don tionscadal seo agus leis an Roinn Turasóireachta, Cultúir, Ealaíon, Gaeltachta, Spóirt agus Meán as a dtacaíocht leanúnach.
Teagmháil ó na meáin:
- Fiona Sexton, Bainisteoir Cumarsáide, Margaíochta & Rannpháirtíochta Digití, Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann [email protected]
Nótaí do eagarthóirí:
- Tá íomhánna ar fáil ach iad a iarraidh ar [email protected]
Maidir le Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann:
Tá Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann ar cheann de na nithe is mó tóir do chuairteoirí sa tír ina bhfuil an bailiúchán náisiúnta d’ealaín na hEorpa agus na hÉireann ó thart ar 1300 go dtí an lá inniu, chomh maith le Leabharlann agus Cartlann fhairsing. Tá cead isteach sa bhailiúchán saor in aisce do chách chun sult a bhaint as, agus chun foghlaim agus inspreagadh a fháil.
2024 ag Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann:
Is é 2024 comóradh 170 bliain ó bunaíodh an Ghailearaí leis an Acht um Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann (1854) agus comóradh 160 bliain ó osclaíodh Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann an 30 Eanáir 1864.
Maidir le Fondúireacht Getty agus an tionscnamh Conserving Canvas:
Comhlíonann Fondúireacht Getty misean daonchairdiúil Iontaobhas Getty trí thacú le daoine aonair agus le hinstitiúidí atá tiomanta do thuiscint níos fearr agus do chaomhnú ar na hamharcealaíona in Los Angeles agus ar fud an domhain a chur chun cinn. Trí thionscnaimh deontais straitéiseacha, treisíonn sé stair na healaíne mar dhisciplín dhomhanda, cuireann sé cleachtas idirdhisciplíneach an chaomhnaithe chun cinn, méadaítear rochtain ar bhailiúcháin mhúsaeim agus chartlainne, agus forbraíonn sé ceannairí reatha agus amach anseo sna hamharcealaíona. Déanann sé a chuid oibre i gcomhar le Cláir Getty eile chun a chinntiú go mbíonn siad chomh héifeachtach agus is féidir maidir lena dtorthaí a bhaint amach mar chláir aonair agus le chéile.
Is tionscnamh deontais idirnáisiúnta de chuid Getty é Conserving Canvas atá dírithe ar phictiúir ar chanbhás a chaomhnú, pictiúir atá i seilbh músaem i mbeagnach gach cearn den domhan. Ó 2018 i leith, tá 38 deontas Conserving Canvas bronnta ag an bhFondúireacht ar 31 institiúid san Eoraip, sna Stáit Aontaithe agus i Meiriceá Laidineach.
Féach www.getty.edu le haghaidh tuilleadh eolais.
Le haghaidh tuilleadh eolais:
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