This special exhibition marks 150th anniversary of the first Impressionist exhibition in 1874
Celebrating four of the most revolutionary women in 19th-century art
Running from 27 June – 6 October 2024
The National Gallery of Ireland will celebrate the 150th anniversary of the first Impressionist exhibition that took place in Paris in 1874 with a major international loan exhibition: Women Impressionists.
Opening on 27 June 2024, Women Impressionists focuses on four women artists who were integral to Impressionism – Berthe Morisot (1841-1895), Eva Gonzalès (1849-1883), Marie Bracquemond (1860-1914), and Mary Cassatt (1844-1926). All but Eva Gonzales exhibited at Impressionist exhibitions (of which there were eight over the following 12 years). Women Impressionists will include around 60 fascinating works drawn from collections worldwide.
Impressionist artists are renowned for using friends and family members as models. This is especially so for women Impressionists, who had relatively restricted access to professional models and social spaces. They often painted scenes from everyday life in the quiet intimacy of their homes and gardens. These artists did not only look inwards but they travelled widely, they looked to contemporary art and to art history; they were engaged in the artworld and made visits to studios, exhibitions, and galleries.
Women Impressionists explores how each of these artists navigated complex personal and professional networks to create and exhibit their art. It highlights their collective desire to make modern art and shows how they interpreted the evolving idea of Impressionism in individual ways.
Dr Caroline Campbell, Director of the National Gallery of Ireland, said: “In an anniversary year for the National Gallery of Ireland, as we celebrate our 160th birthday, it is very exciting to mark another important anniversary in the history of art by bringing this exhibition to Ireland. 150 years on from the first Impressionist exhibition in Paris, we look forward to opening our doors to visitors from Ireland and abroad to discover works by these four women artists. The works in our permanent collection by Berthe Morisot and Eva Gonzalès are firm favourites of our audiences so we hope that this exhibition will delight and intrigue throughout the summer.”
Minister Catherine Martin said: “This wonderful exhibition by the National Gallery of Ireland will truly reflect the full contribution of female artists to the development and popularisation of impressionist painting. It is a wonderful achievement to assemble these works which will allow the public to encounter some truly iconic art that still inspires audiences as much today as it did in Paris in 1874.
I would like to thank and congratulate the National Gallery of Ireland and their partner institutions around the world, who have loaned works for this exhibition, offering a unique opportunity for people to enjoy paintings by some of the most prominent female artists from the impressionism movement of the 19th-century.
This exhibition, which has been supported with funding from my Department, is a fantastic celebration of female artists and is a wonderful way to mark 160 years since the National Gallery of Ireland first opened its doors to the public.”
Highlights of the exhibition include an exceptional portrayal of an intimate domestic scene, The Artist's Daughter, Julie, with her Nanny, c.1884. by Berthe Morisot (Minneapolis Institute of Art). The painting shows the artist’s daughter Julie watching her nanny sewing. Morisot positions the figures by a window to bring Impressionist light and a glimpse of the outside in. Marie Bracquemond’s painting Le Goûter, c.1880 (Musée du Petit Palais) is set on the terrace of the Villa Brancas, the artist’s home in Sèvres. The work reveals her deep admiration of Claude Monet’s painting techniques and her focused reinvention of them.
Mary Cassatt was one of the most original painters of women and children in the 19th-century. Her painting Susan Comforting the Baby, c.1881 (Columbus Museum of Art) – another exhibition highlight – shows a young woman soothing one of the artist’s infant nieces or nephews. In keeping with her Impressionism, Cassatt has left areas of canvas unpainted, and others sketched in with loose visible brushstrokes.
The exhibition also features a large painting which is one of three that Eva Gonzalès exhibited at the Salon in 1870. Enfant de troupe, 1870, (Musée de Gajac) shows the artist’s interest in 17th-century Spanish art through her staging of the composition, reduced yet vibrant palette, and use of shadow.
Women Impressionists has been devised by Ordrupgaard, Denmark, where it was on display from 9 February to 20 May 2024.
Gertrud Oelsner, Director of the Ordrupgaard, said: “I am thrilled to see Women Impressionists opening at the National Gallery of Ireland. This exhibition is a perfect partnership between the Ordrupgaard and the National Gallery of Ireland. It demonstrates the strength of our collections, our commitment to working together, and the power of collaboration in the international art world. The work of women impressionists formed an important early part in the formation of the Ordrupgaard’s French collection with the acquisition of a work by Berthe Morisot in 1916. This wonderful exhibition focuses on the women artists who exhibited as part of the either impressionist exhibitions and their struggle for recognition and a place in art history. I’m excited to see how this will be presented in Dublin.”
Friends of the National Gallery of Ireland receive free unlimited entry to all exhibitions. Tickets are also free for children (18 and under), international protection applicants, refugees and carers. There is free entry for all to the exhibition on Wednesday mornings and tickets are €5 on Thursday evenings.
The Gallery would like to thank the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media for their ongoing support. Find out more at www.nationalgallery.ie.
For Media Queries:
Rachel Kilbane/ Breena Cooper, Drury 01 260 5000
[email protected]
083 339 8587 (RK) / 087 121 4607 (BC)
Notes to Editor:
- Images of exhibition works available to download: https://we.tl/t-YOMh8syQHi
- Janet McLean, Curator of Modern Art, National Gallery of Ireland, is available for interview.
- Dr Caroline Campbell, Director of the National Gallery of Ireland, is available for interview.
About the National Gallery of Ireland:
The National Gallery of Ireland is one of the country’s most popular visitor attractions housing the nation’s collection of European and Irish art from about 1300 to the present day, and an extensive Library & Archive. Entry to the collection is free for all to enjoy, learn and be inspired.
- www.nationalgallery.ie
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/national-gallery-of-ireland
- Twitter: @NGIreland
- Instagram: @nationalgalleryofireland
- Facebook: @nationalgalleryofireland
2024 at the National Gallery of Ireland:
2024 is the 170th anniversary of the establishment of the Gallery through the National Gallery of Ireland Act (1854) and the 160th anniversary of the opening of the National Gallery of Ireland on the 30 January 1864. The Gallery will also publish a new strategic plan for the period 2024-28 in 2024.
Osclaíonn an tAire Catherine Martin TD taispeántas samhraidh Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann, Women Impressionists
Is comóradh an taispeántas speisialta seo ar 150 bliain ón gcéad taispeántas Impriseanaíoch sa bhliain 1874
Ag ceiliúradh ceathrar de na mná ba réabhlóidí in ealaín an 19ú
Ar siúl ó 27 Meitheamh - 6 Deireadh Fómhair 2024
Déanfaidh Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann ceiliúradh ar 150 bliain ón gcéad taispeántas Impriseanaíoch a reáchtáladh i bPáras in 1874 le mórthaispeántas iasachta idirnáisiúnta: Women Impressionists.
Agus é ar siúl ón 27 Meitheamh 2024, díreoidh Beanimpriseanaithe ar cheathrar ban-ealaíontóirí a bhí ag croílár an Impriseanachais – Berthe Morisot (1841-1895), Eva Gonzalès (1849-1883), Marie Bracquemond (1860-1914), agus Mary Cassatt (1844-1926)). Ghlac gach duine seachas Eva Gonzales páirt i dtaispeántais Impriseanachais (a raibh ocht gcinn reáchtáilte thar an 12 bhliain ina dhiaidh sin). Cuimseoidh Women Impressionists timpeall 60 saothar iontach spéisiúil ó bhailiúcháin ar fud an domhain.
Tá cáil ar ealaíontóirí impriseanaíoch as cairde agus as baill teaghlaigh a úsáid mar mhainicíní. Baineann sé seo go háirithe le beanimpriseanaithe, a raibh rochtain sách teoranta acu ar mhainicíní gairmiúla agus ar spásanna sóisialta. Is minic a phéinteáil siad radhairc ón ngnáthshaol i ndlúithe chiúin a dtithe agus a ngairdíní. Ní hamháin gur fhéach na healaíontóirí seo isteach ar a saol féin ach thaistil siad go forleathan, d’fhéach siad ar ealaín chomhaimseartha agus d’fhiosraigh siad stair na healaíne; bhí siad mar chuid den saol ealaíne agus thug siad cuairteanna ar stiúideonna, ar thaispeántais, agus ar ghailearaithe.
Fiosraíonn Women Impressionists conas a rinne gach duine de na healaíontóirí seo líonraí casta pearsanta agus gairmiúla a láimhseáil chun a gcuid ealaíne a chruthú agus a thaispeáint. Tá béim leagtha aige ar an mian comhchoiteann a bhí acu ealaín nua-aimseartha a chruthú agus is léiriú é ar conas a rinne siad léirmhíniú ar bhealaí aonair ar choincheap an Impriseanachais a bhí ag forbairt timpeall na linne sin.
Dúirt an Dr Caroline Campbell, Stiúrthóir Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann: “I mbliain chomórtha do Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann, agus muid ag ceiliúradh ár 160ú breithlá, tá sceitimíní orainn comóradh tábhachtach eile i stair na healaíne a cheiliúradh tríd an taispeántas seo a thabhairt go hÉirinn. 150 bliain i ndiaidh an chéad taispeántais Impriseanaíoch i bPáras, táimid ag tnúth lenár ndoirse a oscailt do chuairteoirí ó Éirinn agus ó thar lear chun saothair ón gceathrar ban-ealaíontóirí seo a fheiceáil den chéad uair. Tá an- tóir ar na saothair inár mbailiúchán buan le Berthe Morisot agus Eva Gonzalès agus mar sin tá súil againn go spreagfaidh an taispeántas seo iontas agus spéis sa phobal i rith an tsamhraidh.”
Dúirt an tAire Catherine Martin TD: “Tabharfaidh an taispeántas iontach seo de chuid Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann léiriú cuimsitheach ar an méid a chur ban-ealaíontóirí le forbairt agus tóir na péintéireachta impriseanaíoch. Is sár-éacht é na saothair seo a chur le chéile a thabharfaidh deis don phobal teacht ar ealaín fíor-íocónach a spreagann lucht féachana an lae inniu an oiread agus a rinne sí i bPáras in 1874.
Ba mhaith liom buíochas a ghabháil agus comhghairdeas a dhéanamh le Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireannn agus lena n-insititiúidí comhpháirtíochta ar fud an domhain, a thug saothair ar iasacht don taispeánas seo, a thugann deis uathúil do dhaoine sult a bhaint as pictiúir le cuid de na ban-ealaíontóirí is mó le rá ó ghluaiseacht impriseanaíoch na 19ú hAoise."
Is ceiliúradh iontach é an taispeántas seo, a fuair tacaíocht mhaoinithe ó mo Roinnse, ar bhan-ealaíontóirí agus is bealach iontach é chun 160 bliain a chomóradh ó d’oscail Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann a dhoirse don phobal don chéad uair.”
I measc bhuaicphointí an taispeántais tá léiriú eisceachtúil ar dhlúthradharc tí, The Artist’s Daughter, Julie, with her nanny, c.1884. le Berthe Morisot (Institiúid Ealaíne Minneapolis). Tá iníon an ealaíontóra Julie léirithe sa phictiúr agus í ag breathnú ar a buime atá i mbun fuála. Sheas Morisot na fíorachaí os comhair fuinneoige chun solas an Impriseanachais agus spléachadh ar an taobh amuigh a thabhairt isteach. Tá an pictiúr de chuid Marie Bracquemond Le Goûter, c.1880 (Musée du Petit Palais) suite ar ardán an Villa Brancas, baile an ealaíontóra i Sevres. Tá a meas mór ar theicnící péintéireachta Claude Monet agus a hathchruthú fócasaithe atá aici orthu léirithe sa saothar.
Bhí Mary Cassatt ar dhuine de na chéad péintéirí de mhná agus de leanaí sa 19ú haois. Is é ábhar a pictiúir Susan Comforting the Baby, c.1881 (Músaem Ealaíne Columbus) – buaicphointe eile an taispeántais – ná bean óg ag suaimhniú duine de nianna nó de neachtanna óga an ealaíontóra. Ar teacht lena hImpriseanachas, d’fhág Cassatt spásanna áirithe den chanbhás folamh, agus sceitseáil sí cinn eile isteach le scuab-bhuillí scaoilte sofheicthe.
Tá pictiúr mór sa taispeántas freisin atá ar cheann de thrí cinn a thaispeáin Eva Gonzalès ag an Salon i 1870. suim an ealaíontóra in ealaín Spáinneach an 17ú haois léirithe i Enfant de troupe, 1870, (Musée de Gajac) trína stáitsiú den chomhdhéanamh, trína pailéad laghdaithe ach ach an am céanna bríomhar, agus trína úsáid den scáth.
Is é Ordrupgaard, an Danmhairg, a cheap Beanimpriseanaithe, áit a bhfuil sé ar taispeáint ó 9 Feabhra go 20 Bealtaine 2024.
Deir Gertrud Oelsner, Stiúrthóir an Ordrupgaard: “Tá fíoráthas orm Impriseanaithe Baininn a fheiceáil ag oscailt ag Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann. Is comhpháirtíocht foirfe é an taispeántas seo idir an Ordrupgaard agus Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann. Léiríonn sé láidreacht ár mbailiúchán, ar dtiomantas d’oibriú le chéile, agus cumhacht an chomhoibrithe i saol na healaíne idirnáisiúnta. Bhí saothar na n-impriseanaithe baininn mar chuid luath thábhachtach i mbunú bhailiúchán Francach an Ordrupgaard nuair a fuarthas saothar Berthe Morisot i 1916. Díríonn an sárthaispeántas seo ar ealaíontóirí baininn a léirigh a saothar mar chuid de thaispeántais impriseanaíocha agus a streachailt ar son aitheantais agus áit i stair na healaíne. Tá sceitimíní orm a fheiceáil conas a chuirfear é seo i láthair i mBaile Átha Cliath.”
Faigheann Cairde Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann cead isteach saor in aisce gan teorainn ar gach taispeántas. Tá cead isteach in aisce freisin do leanaí (18 agus níos óige), iarratasóirí ar chosaint idirnáisiúnta, dídeanaithe agus cúramóirí. Tá cead isteach saor in aisce do chách ar an taispeántas maidin Dé Céadaoin agus tá ticéid le ceannach ar €5 d’oíche Dhéardaoin.
Ba mhaith leis an nGailearaí buíochas a ghabháil leis an Roinn Turasóireachta, Cultúir, Ealaíon, Gaeltachta, Spóirt agus Meán as a dtacaíocht leanúnach. Tuilleadh eolais ag www.nationalgallery.ie.
Teagmháil ó na meáin:
Rachel Kilbane/ Breena Cooper, Drury 01 260 5000
083 339 8587 (RK) / 087 121 4607 (BC)
Nótaí don eagarthóir:
- Is féidir íomhánna de shaothair an taispeántais a íoslódáil: https://we.tl/t-aEr9DGYmKE
- Tá Janet McLean, Coimeádaí na Nua-Ealaíne, Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann ar fáil le haghaidh agallaimh.
- Tá an Dr Caroline Campbell, Stiúrthóir Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann, ar fáil le haghaidh agallaimh.
Maidir le Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann:
Tá Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann ar cheann de na nithe is mó tóra do chuairteoirí sa tír ina bhfuil an bailiúchán náisiúnta d’ealaín na hEorpa agus na hÉireann ó thart ar 1300 go dtí an lá inniu, chomh maith le Leabharlann agus Cartlann fhairsing. Tá cead isteach sa bhailiúchán saor in aisce do chách chun sult a bhaint as, agus chun foghlaim agus inspreagadh a fháil.
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/national-gallery-of-ireland
Twitter: @NGIreland
Instagram: @nationalgalleryofireland
Facebook: @nationalgalleryofireland
2024 ag Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann
Is é 2024 comóradh 170 bliain ó bunaíodh an Ghailearaí leis an Acht um Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann (1854) agus comóradh 160 bliain ó osclaíodh Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann an 30 Eanáir 1864. Foilseoidh an Gailearaí plean straitéiseach nua freisin don tréimhse 2024-28 go luath in 2024.
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