Do you want to make fun and immersive events for young people at the National Gallery of Ireland?
Be a part of the Gallery’s Youth Panel!
The Gallery Youth Panel is a group of young people (ages 16 – 25) who work together to find, make, and share impactful experiences for young people at the National Gallery of Ireland.
The Gallery Youth Panel supports young people in using their National Collection to create and celebrate art on their own terms. This collaborative, co-produced programme aims to make the Gallery a more welcoming, inclusive, and thriving space for young artists, students, and young people interested in or curious about art.
Are you between the ages of 16 and 25? Do you want to make fun and immersive events for young people at the Gallery? Then get in touch with us. Membership is on an open, rolling basis, attendance is flexible and all are welcome!
Young people from diverse backgrounds, locations, and communities are encouraged to apply to join the Youth Panel! You do not need any particular skills or experiences to join, just an interest and enthusiasm for shaping programmes for young people.
If you have any questions or are interested in taking part, you can contact Oisín Kenny, Apollo Fellow, at [email protected]. You can also keep up to date about the Youth Panel on the Apollo Project Instagram (@ApolloProjectIRL).
The Gallery Youth Panel is part of the Apollo Project. Established in 2018, the Apollo Project was devised by young people, for young people to create new ways of engaging with the Gallery. Creativity, education and wellbeing are at the heart of the Apollo Project, with an emphasis on collaborating and partnering with young people to co-create vibrant and fun experiences in the Gallery.
Believe in your potential. Live a creative life. ART MAKES YOU!
Youth Panel Playlists
Our Youth Panel members have created a number of playlists for you to enjoy! Listen to them on Spotify at the links below.
- Today is Tomorrow - As part of National Drawing Day 2023, our Gallery Youth Panel and a group of TY work experience students co-created a playlist to showcase what the future sounds like for them. Listen to Today is Tomorrow here.
- Name Five Women Artists - To mark International Women's Day 2023, the Youth Panel created a playlist of women artists drawing on a range of styles, genres and themes. Listen to this playlist here.
- Be Sounds - Enjoy this playlist of some of the Gallery's Youth Panel members' favourite songs and artists which they hope will showcase who they are and how they work together. Listen to the Be Sounds playlist here.
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