Painted on a round canvas, we see a young man gazing down at a shell he holds in the palm of his hands. His whole self seems illuminated, which is highlighted by the black background
Ana Colomer, (Sea) Urchin, 2023

Ana Colomer

Sea (Urchin), 2023

Acryclic on tondo canvas | Unframed: 40 x 40 cm (80 cm diameter) 

‘This portrait depicts my young teenage son holding the endoskeleton of a sea urchin. I have been fascinated by these beautiful, fragile, globular structures since I was a child. In recent years, I have been using them as inspiration for my paintings and installations. When a red light is placed inside the shell its shape and size resemble a human heart. This artwork represents the fragility of the ecosystem that we are leaving to our children.’ 

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